Seed Potatoes
If a farmer could visualize a place for growing perfect seed potatoes, it would be isolated from sources of disease. The sandy soil would be free of stones, light and easy to work. Winters would be long and cold, with deep frosts to naturally cleanse the soil of disease-causing organisms and insects. In this ideal place, a strong support network of research and extension specialists would combine with a strict certification program to inspire client confidence in the production of the best possible seed potatoes.
As Prince Edward Island potato growers, we enjoy all these advantages. Our history of professional excellence is in the production of competitively priced seed. Our dependably clean quality has given us an impressive world-wide reputation.
Our commitment begins at the grower owned Fox Island Elite Seed Potato Farm, where disease-free seed is initiated by meristem culture. From a test-tube micro-plant beginning, the flush through system limits seed production to seven generations in our grower fields.
Demanding federal standards of quality must be met before seed will be certified in any of the seven classes. During the growing season, all fields are inspected by trained Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada personnel. Further inspections occur at harvest and storage, with random samples taken for laboratory testing. Final grading is conducted at the shipping point, ensuring that our seed potatoes undergo close scrutiny prior to leaving the farm.
Continuing research in new varieties, disease control, and agronomic practices ensures that Island seed potato producers have access to the newest developments in production and cultivar improvements. Over 60 varieties are available for a wide range of climatic conditions, soil types and product types.
The seed potato industry is a major part of Prince Edward Island’s economy. As professional producers, we are able to make the most of our unique soil and climate, assisted by the expertise of the federal and provincial Departments of Agriculture and the Prince Edward Island Potato Board. Our ocean ports enable conscientious shippers to make efficient use of our proximity to the world’s shipping lanes, giving rapid and dependable service whatever the destination.
With all these advantages, customers can choose seed from PEI with confidence. To make Prince Edward Island seed potatoes a part of your successful operation, contact the Prince Edward Island Potato Board or one of our excellent seed producers.